How to write blogs. Best tricks to write blogs. (part 2)

In writing a blog, you are not trying to compete with the best professional writers. Blogs are known for their casual writing and unpredictable subject material, but the best blogs have shown that even voung, inexperienced writers can be entertaining enough to attract a large audience. Bloggers with a really fascinating story to tell, such as reporting on a trip around the world, have a great advantage, but even everyday material can attract an audience if you have an original style and voice. 

Here are three things to remember when writing a blog. 
1.Develop a writing style and tone appropriate to your subject material. 
2.Post often, even if your posts are short. 3.Allow your readers to comment on your posts, and respond to them. 

The blogs that attract the most readers are the ones with frequent updates. If you start a blog, be prepared to spend some time working on it every day or two. If you are going to be a blogger, you have to blog! Remember, the blogosphere is a community and not just a showcase for your talents. It is useful for your readers to establish a pattern so you should update fairly regularly on a particular day each week, or date each month so that they know when to check your blog for an update.

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